Organisations often attempt to solve their disparate data problems through the direct application of technology without due consideration of how that technology aligns with the way the business operates.
Organisations are composed of multiple user groups with different functions and requirements, but even with the best intentions and best in class software applications, this still often leads to data and information silos. Each group is focused on and responsible for its own field of operation.
While maintaining and enriching data across silos, consideration and collaboration is at best intermittent, and well-regarded data-driven efforts or surges are often narrowly focused, with little concern for other silos. Technical projects are usually established and managed to improve one silo despite potentially having benefits across multiple. This self-serving approach contributes to increased data complexity and duplication, bringing additional costs for maintaining the data asset and training system users.
To make the best use of data across the enterprise, an organisation must not look solely to technology to break silos, but also analytical know-how and the reality of their system users’ daily responsibilities, to establish conditions where decisions support the entire business not just the silo.
To improve analytical outputs, operational opportunities and workforce proficiency, organisations may require a shift in the way they think. Organisations must grow analytical enterprise awareness outside of the core teams responsible for this. They should ensure business unit managers and domain experts have system proficiencies and understand what it means to protect and develop the organisation’s data asset for the benefit of every producer and consumer. This is no mean feat; this is practically an unachievable task for most organisations, which are focused on their primary reason for operating.
Bolster’s smaq methodology, and cloud technology enables organisations to face this challenge head-on.
Where appropriate, instead of a big bang launch, our approach is iterative. It allows organisations to realise the benefits in stages, learning and informing future phases as we go. It helps teams deliver value to their customers faster and with fewer difficulties while providing vital opportunities to change, learn, and cement the required proficiencies.
Questions, plans, and results are evaluated regularly, so teams have a real mechanism for responding to change quickly.
Our technology helps deliver enhanced data outcomes and can significantly assist with strategic and cultural change toward a more data literate organisation, allowing your organisation to operate more effectively into the future.
If this resonates, reach out for a chat.